Upuceno pismo u sjediste korporacije ArcelorMittal u Lonodnu

Upuceno pismo u sjediste korporacije ArcelorMittal u Lonodnu

Dragi prijatelji, uz vasu pomoc sakupili smo 2500 potpisa za peticiju kojom se od ArcelorMittala trazi slobodan pristup logoru Omarska. Ovo pismo smo jutros uputili u sjediste korporacije ArcelorMittal u Lonodnu. Hvala vam i ostanimo jaki!

Joseph Matthews, generalni direktor, Odnosi sa zajednicama i vladama, ArcelorMittal Rudarstvo

Gospodine Matthews,

Zelimo da Vas informisem da je vise od 2500 sa svih strana svijeta potpisalo peticiju kojom se od ArcelorMittala trazi slobodan i neometan pristup lokaciji koncentracionog logora Omarska (posebno Bijeloj kuci), ted a ispuni svoja obecanja o izgradnji memorijala kojim bi se obiljezilo stradanje u logoru Omarska, a us kladu sa ranije preuzetim obavezama.

Pozivamo vas da se ne solidarisete sa tvrdolinijaskim potezima i stavovima gradonacelnika Marka Pavica, vec da se ponasate u skladu sa vrijednostima ljudskih prava i poslovne odgovornosti kojima je Vasa kompanija deklarativno privrzena. Pozivamo Vas da napustite praksu PR poteza kojima se ‘dopustaju dodatni dani posjete’ kao nacina rjesavanja ovog pitanja, posto je to uvredljivo i ponizavajuce za prezivjele i porodice zrtava koje imaju svako pravo da posjete ovo mjesto stradanja kada god to pozele.

Sigurni smo da AmrcelorMittal ne zeli biti asociran sa poricanjem genocida i ponizavanjem zrtava masovnog zlocina. Nadamo se da cemo uskoro vidjeti konkretne poteze koji bi to i ilustrovali.

Do tada, prenosimo vam rijeci nekih od ljudi sa svih kontinenata koji su potpisali nasu peticiju o tome zasto bi to trebali uciniti. Mozete naci jos mnogo vise na sljedecem linku:


Laurie Cohen
Concealing the truth about the mass atrocities and horrific human rights violations that took place at Omarksa is not just unacceptable. It proves that ArcelorMIttal is 100% complicit in the denial of these atrocities by its decision to side with the RS authorities. During WWII, the Swiss claimed ‘neutrality’ while profiting from genocide. And lest we forget the corporate- Nazi slave labor partnerships with companies such as IBM, Siemens, GM, Ford, and I.G. Farben.

ArcelorMIttal's actions enable the local communities to continue to pretend that they knew nothing. Their collective ignorance is simply impossible to believe, having been to this site as well as Kozarac and Trnopolje last year.

It is akin to believing that the citizens of Oswiecim, Poland knew nothing of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp, human chimneys, round the clock ‘transports,’ and all.

Confronting the past IS painful for perpetrators and victims alike. But hiding from the truth ensures that the seeds for future strife are bitterly sewn.

Gorazd Andrejc
The atrocities of Omarska camp need to be remembered and properly commemorated for future generations. The denial of the atrocities is still endemic by Serbian establishment in Prijedor, and Mittal steel is interested more in money than in justice in this case – they bowed to pressure from the local authorities. The memorial should be built, the site needs the same level of international recognition of crime as Srebrenica has received. Mittal (ArcelorMittal) should act even if a risk of losing money and local investment is involved – it is a huge justice issue.

Ed Vulliamy
It is primal to humanity that monuments be erected to commemorate the dead and murdered. It has happened down the centuries. Until now, until Bosnia, until Omarska, until ArcelorMIttal. They hide behind the mask of ‘neutrality’ in a situation where to be neutral is to be on the side of the perpetrator, as though to endorse – rather than stand against – what was done, for there can be no middle ground over such slaughter.

Chris Broadhurst
I find it staggering that ArcelorMittal has frozen the development of the Omarska memorial project. I cannot begin to comprehend how the victims and their families feel about this. The importance of the memorial to remind Europe about the horrific events that happened in Omarska is incontestable

Nenad Porobić
The former concentration camp site MUST be memorialized!

Amar Dedic
My father was in this conentration camp

Dzevada Susko
The needs of the victims must be respected. If those who survived the tortures within the walls of the concentration camps or if their relatives want to have access to it, then the least we can do for them, is to allow them to establish a memorial center. Otherwise these crimes will be forgotten soon. I am afraid this is what the current authorities want, and Mittal Steel is participating in the negation of the historical memory. We cannot allow this!

Eduardo Gonzalez
Can you imagine the developers on South Manhattan blocking the access to Ground Zero?

Donna Wallach
Marking a place where mass torture and killing occurred is important so that it is not forgotten, with the goal being it won't happen again.

Juancho Valdez
I am signing because I remember.

(By SGD)

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